One of the ways we express our gratitude to God is by giving our tithes and offerings.
Simple and secure. Give a single gift, or schedule recurring giving.
2025 Stewardship Campaign
“Therefore, since we have such a hope, we are very bold.” - 2 Corinthians 3:12
This past year at Southside Methodist Church has been filled with growth, service, and incredible impact. Through your dedication and generosity, we’ve been able to touch countless lives within our church family and across our community and world. From worship services to outreach initiatives, our ministries have flourished in 2024, and we are deeply grateful for all we’ve accomplished together.
But as we look forward to 2025, we are called to do even more. The “be BOLD” campaign is not just about reflecting on what we’ve done, but about stepping out in faith to achieve even greater things. We are committed to being bold in our prayers, bold in showing up for one another, bold in serving others, bold in sharing our faith, and bold in giving generously.
We invite you to be part of this exciting mission. Whether it’s through attending worship and bible studies, volunteering, or making a financial pledge, there are so many ways you can begin to boldly step into 2025, trusting that God will do amazing things in you, at Southside Methodist Church and throughout our community and world.
"But who am I, and who are my people, that we should be able to give as generously as this? Everything comes from you, and we have given you only what comes from your hand.” ~1 Chronicles 29:14
Text an amount to 904-447-8633. You will be asked to complete a quick one-time registration (name, address, email, credit card number). After this initial set-up you can simply text your giving amount to the general budget during the offering time or anytime. It will be recorded on your annual giving statement for your tax records.
You can give to Southside Methodist Church by mailing a check to: Southside Methodist Church, 3120 Hendricks Avenue, Jacksonville, FL 32207
Make sure you include your name and address on the check so we can provide a record of your donation for tax purposes.
Please note if your gift is for the general budget or a specific area of ministry.
You can use the online bill payment option on your bank's website. Specify "SOUTHSIDE METHODIST CHURCH" as the account number.
Drop a check or cash into the offering basket during a Sunday morning service.
If you're giving cash and would like a contribution statement, please use a giving envelope in each pew. Please include your name and email address.
Contact Us
If you have any questions or concerns regarding giving or pledging to Southside Methodist Church.
Please contact Jennifer Dickson, Financial Administrator, at (904) 396-2676 X119 or email